Business Strategy and Market Analysis Intern
at MicroHarvest


Full Time

Internship Description

Join the team as a Business Strategy and Market Analysis Intern, where you'll analyze market trends and contribute to strategic planning. This role is vital for understanding the biotech market landscape and identifying growth opportunities.


  • CheckedConduct market research and analysis on the biotech and sustainable protein sectors.
  • CheckedSupport the development of business strategies to navigate the market effectively.
  • CheckedCollaborate with cross-functional teams to gather insights and drive business decisions.

Who You Are

  • CheckedCurrently pursuing a degree in Business Administration, Market Research, or related fields.
  • CheckedStrong analytical skills and familiarity with market analysis tools and techniques.
  • CheckedExcellent communication and teamwork abilities.

Perks & Benefits

Get ready for an internship packed with great perks and exciting benefits.

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Professional Development

Gain hands-on experience in a cutting-edge biotech environment, enhancing your skills and knowledge.

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Connect with professionals in the biotech industry, opening doors for future career opportunities.

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Emerging Market

Be involved in the emerging market of biotech and sustainable food production.

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MicroHarvestRead More

MicroHarvest is at the forefront of biotech innovation, focusing on creating sustainable protein through advanced microorganism technology. Their approach, capable of producing protein from raw materials in just one day, demonstrates their commitment to nutritional sustainability and groundbreaking innovation. With a team skilled in biotech, business, and product development, MicroHarvest is crafting the future of protein, making them a fascinating company for students interested in sustainability and cutting-edge biotech solutions.

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