English Teaching Internship
at Bumi Sehat Foundation

Bumi Sehat Foundation

Full Time

Internship Description

Yayasan Bumi Sehat’s mission is to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality and to support the health and wise development of communities through the training and development of Indonesian midwives and community health nurses. Toward this goal, we provide general health services, emergency care, prenatal, postpartum, birth services and breast-feeding support, in addition to health, education and environmental programs.


  • CheckedEnglish Language Instruction: Assist in providing English language instruction to staff members, midwives, and community health nurses. You'll help develop lesson plans, lead classroom sessions, and facilitate language practice activities to enhance proficiency.
  • CheckedCurriculum Development: Collaborate with the education team to develop English language curriculum tailored to the specific needs and skill levels of participants. Your input will be valuable in creating engaging and effective learning materials.
  • CheckedOne-on-One Tutoring: Offer one-on-one tutoring sessions to individuals who may benefit from additional support in improving their English language skills. Your patience and encouragement will help learners build confidence and fluency.
  • CheckedCultural Exchange: Foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation by sharing aspects of your own culture and language with participants. Facilitate discussions and activities that promote cultural exchange and mutual learning.
  • CheckedMonitoring and Evaluation: Assist in assessing participants' progress and evaluating the effectiveness of the English language program. Collect feedback from learners and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to the curriculum and teaching methods.

Who You Are

  • CheckedStrong proficiency in English language, both spoken and written.
  • CheckedExperience or coursework in English language teaching or related field preferred.
  • CheckedCultural sensitivity and openness to working in a diverse and multicultural environment.
  • CheckedExcellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and learners from various backgrounds.
  • CheckedPassion for education and making a positive impact in underserved communities.
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Bumi Sehat FoundationRead More

YAYASAN BUMI SEHAT WAS FOUNDED IN 1995 AS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, BASED IN BALI, INDONESIA. ‘YAYASAN’ MEANS NOT-FOR-PROFIT, ‘BUMI’ MEANS EARTH-MOTHER, AND ‘SEHAT’ TRANSLATES AS HEALTHY. THUS WE ARE THE HEALTHY MOTHER EARTH FOUNDATION. We operate three Community Health and Education and Childbirth Centers within Indonesia. At our clinics, we offer a comprehensive range of allopathic and holistic medicine, as well as pre and post-natal care, breastfeeding support, infant, child and family health services, nutritional education, pre-natal yoga and gentle, loving natural birth services.

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